September 12, 2011

Perfect Storm

As I sit typing, my husband in on the front porch in a rocking chair.  What is unusal about that?  It is such a beautiful, early fall day, everyone would love to be on the front porch in a rocking chair.  Hummers are flitting around the feeders fighting, (say that 3 times fast) the temperature is perfect, no air or heat needed, sun shine, blue sky-just one of those perfect days.  My husband is sitting there, along with his physical therapist, trying to get stronger and get the fluids moving from the lower level of his body.  He got out of the hospital a week ago after a  three week stay in the hospital.  That sure has a way of weakening the body.

The day I took him to the ER, I had no clue we would be there that long, that I would be wondering whether I would be bringing my husband home or not, that I was told to tell my daughter to spend time with her dad, to call his brothers in to see him, to be going through thoughts in my mind that I never thought about the day before. 

My husband has a myriad of problems.  In 2005, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer.  2 months later he was diagnosed with kidney cancer.  In January of 2006, he had his kidney removed, went through seed implants, radiation therapy, then later in the year, he had his gall bladder out.  That is when they discovered he had NASH.  A form of cirrhosis of the liver.  Since that time he has dealt with the disease as best we can.  The liver does not heal, nor is there any medicines that help.  It only gets worse.  I guess that week in August, everything came together for the 'perfect storm' healthwise.

He had began retaining fluids in his body cavity, then it went to his feet and legs.  He had a parencentasis on Tuesday, went to the ER on Wednesday, stayed in hospital till Friday, came home, went back Saturday to ER, admitted to hospital then stayed there for over 2 weeks growing weaker, having surgery, laying on his back, losing muscle mass and wondering if he would come home.  So many things that were wrong just came together at the same time, it was hard to treat one thing without effecting other things.  It is a dance, trying to co-ordinated meds, breathing treatments, physical therapy, rest, food, etc that I have tried to come up with organizational sheets to help.  This med has to be taken with food, this one needs to be taken an hour before or two-three hours after eating.  Use this breathing treatment every six hours and this one if you need extra, and it can be taken every four hours!  Getting up through the night when he is on lasix, emptying the urinal and measuring how much he is putting out.  Going without sleep all those long nights and coming home to take care of things here when I feel I can leave the hospital has caused me to do something I never used to do.  Take a nap in the afternoon when he is napping.  Also choosing what is most important to get done and what can be left alone.  I am finally getting more sleep the last two nights, thankfully.

We are still on a journey.  Trying to get him back on his feet and strength restored.  We have learned if you take your eyes off the Great Physician, you are not looking at the one who does the healing.  I am so thankful for all the doctors, nurses, technicians that helped bring him through this, but there is only so much they can do.  The Power that raised Jesus from the dead, who called Lazarus from the grave, that same Power still exists and we saw Him at work in restoring my husband to a point he could come home to me and my daughter again.  God is still restoring the cells in my husbands body, building, strengthening and filling him with health.  Will he be perfect again?  No.  We are all headed toward the same end, but he has spared his life this time till he determines it is time to take him home and heal him perfectly.

 I am so thankful our prayers were answered, that we have more time with him, even though there is lots of work to do.  I have learned that even though God may decided to take my husband home one day, the worries of who will take care of us are unnecessary because the One who has ALWAYS taken care of us will still do that job.  I have learned how quickly things can change, so we all need to be ready for our turn, we never know when things will happen in a 'perfect storm' that could change our lives in a day.  Hug your family, tell them you love them, be ye kind one to another. Be ready to meet your Maker. That's what is important.

Leaving you in his care,

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